Join us for an inspirational week as we welcome back the renowned watercolor painter Daniel Marshall to the Casa!

Painting with Intention: Developing a Path to Stronger Watercolors,
January 10 – 17, 2026 with Dan Marshall

“By focusing on the tried and true methods of fine art composition, design, drawing, color theory and communication, the aim is to arm students with the ability to express their individual visions and not just how to copy or execute a series of watercolor “tricks”. While doing master copies is part of the way I teach, my desire is to give students the tools to make their own informed decisions to tell their unique story” – Dan Marshall

Learn to paint expressive, atmospheric, impressionist watercolors – build on your strengths and identify areas for growth.

Build the daily art habits that make a painter an Artiste.

Tree line Attraction, 12″ x 18″

Dan’s workshop will focus on composition, design, consistency of wash and proper use of tone to help you elevate your watercolors to fine art paintings! Develop the ability to see shapes and tones, establish a consistent painting process, exploit “mistakes,” refine and further develop your technique and take your paintings to the next level…We’ll work hard and have fun…there will be serious work and serious FUN!

Autumn Glow, 18″ x 12″

Join Dan for the best art workshop vacation of your life painting in a charming fishing village inspired by exotic locales along the gorgeous Pacific coast of Mexico! We will be painting both in the Casa open air studio, with views of the mountains, village and ocean as well as on location at inspirational places: We will visit the award winning Puerto Vallarta Botanical Gardens where we will have the bottom of their Hacienda Restaurant to use as a temporary studio, after sketching in the morning they will prepare us a wonderful lunch and then more art play in the afternoon, (perhaps after a quick siesta on one of their lounge chairs overlooking the mountains). We will also spend a day at the nearby charming mountain town of El Tuito, painting at the Zocalo with the cobblestone streets and charming buildings surrounding it, with a simple demo in the morning, and another great lunch in the courtyard garden at Marios Patio, a great hacienda style restaurant right on the square, then painting in the afternoon. Another day we will take a boat trip to explore the gorgeous coastline, (witnessing a wonderful display of atmospheric perspective) and arrive at a wonderful beach for picnic and sketching, (swimming or snorkeling anyone?). At each location Daniel will share his wisdom, insights and mastery to help you capture your intention while painting on location.  Immerse yourself in the joys of authentic Mexican village life at one of the most beautiful and arts oriented locales in Latin America, Casa de los Artistas, in the serene village of Boca de Tomatlan, 10 miles south of Puerto Vallarta.

Morning at Owls Head, 6" x 14"
Dan will demo multiple times a day, explaining his process, sharing insights and art concepts to give you a clear path to follow as you paint. You’ll complete 2 paintings a day, with input and personal attention from Dan and will learn new techniques to achieve stronger compositions, proper tone, color harmony/mixing, and loosening up.

Spring Thaw, 12" x 16"

In his demo and lecture sessions, Dan will share some detailed skills: drawing rhythmically with a loose accuracy, keeping everything loose to go beyond just coloring in your drawing; Keeping connectivity and color harmony working for you; Using varying consistencies of pigment in relation to the degree of wetness in the paper; Varying types of edges and subtly shifting value and temperature to create visual depth and interest. Sounds like a lot!… but boy is it fun to start truly understanding and exploring the creation process.

Join Daniel Marshall at the Casa for
Painting with Intention: Developing a Path to Stronger Watercolors”,
January 10 -17
, 2026
You can reserve your place with a $500. credit card deposit, (no surcharge) or pay in full (surcharge applies)

Go to the Payment Page >>

Suggested Materials:

I use Saunders Waterford 140lb rough loose sheets. (for workshop students, loose quarter sheets are fine) taped to a light support board. Rough paper is important to my technique. I personally don’t use watercolor blocks.


I use a variety of pigment brands, mostly Winsor & Newton, Holbein, and Daniel Smith. These brands provide the best quality professional pigments.

My usual palette colors: cad yellow, yellow ochre, burnt umber, burnt sienna, cad orange, cad red, perm aliz crimson, Winsor violet, mineral violet, french ultramarine, cobalt blue, lilac, lavender, cobalt turquoise and neutral tint


I use Escoda Aquario squirrel mops, Escoda Perla synthetic and a variety of brushes from Rosemary & Co, UK

Other Materials
  • 1″ masking tape in neutral colors (no red/blue, etc)
  • Water filled brush pot
  • Watercolor palette with multiple large mixing areas
  • 7mm HB mechanical pencil
  • Lightweight watercolor easel